Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Brrrr...Baby it's Cold Outside!

Toastie Toddler is a perfect solution for all those snobby mommies who want to keep their babies/kids warm this season. I stumbled upon this product on the mobile moms website and could not believe that I have waited this long for such an amazing product. I was on the hunt for a warm stroller bag/blanket and was very disappointed with the JJ Cole Bundle Me. (The jj cole bundle me for the infant carrier is fine). This product is nothing more than a fleece, which is fine for a cool day, but certaintly not a cold, blustery day. Toastie Toddler is the way to go for any snobby mommy who wants to continue being outdoors throughout the fall and winter.
There are two models for the Toastie Toddler; the Original and the Couture. Both products offer a faux fur lining, and are wind and water resistant. However, the couture offers a practical solution for snobby mommies living in colder cities such as New York. There is a removable hypoallergenic down blanket that can easily be zippered into and out of the stroller bag. The Original sells for $110, while the Couture sells for $130. I recommend the couture if you live in a city that gets very cold.
I am so eager to inform all the snobby mommies out there about this must-have product as I wouldn't want to leave anyone in the cold......

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Toy storage solution from the Land of Nod

My search for the perfect toy storage solution began months ago, as the colorful, plastic knick-knacks began to take over the playroom. I needed storage that would endure my 15-month old's daily abuse, provide ample space for our abundance of toys and look good in the room. I wanted my daughter to be able to access the toy bins on her own and not be able to tip or spill the contents of the bins. I saw a few solutions at Target, Ikea and The Company Store. Target and Ikea offered very similar toy storage options: basic natural wood structure with primary colored plastic bins that could easily pull out. I thought these items looked cheap and were a waste of money. I knew deep down that those bins would alway be on the floor, tipped over, and that the toys would continue their domination of the room. The Company Store offered some cute solutions but I felt that they were better suited for a bedroom and I wasn't really looking for anything with drawers. Then I stumbled across the Land of Nod web site...a site I wish I had known about when shopping for baby. I would have loved to register here! As soon as I saw the "Storage Palooza" toy bins, I knew I had found the perfect item. I purchased two (the red three bin and the french blue two bin) and they looked great in our playroom. My only complaint was that one of the bins arrived damaged. I was dreading the idea of shipping this item back and awaiting a new one, so I reluctantly placed a call to the Land of Nod customer service. Surprisingly, they were extremely helpful. I literally will not have to lift a finger (or drive anywhere lugging along this heavy storage bin). They will send a replacement and FedEx will come to my house to pick up the old one, at absolutely no cost to me. In the meantime, I will use the damaged bin until my new one arrives in 5-7 days. This snobby mommy is a very happy Land of Nod customer. I think my next purchase just may be the Land of Nod activity table...can't wait!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tiny Love Musical Wonder Wheel...not so wonderful

My husband and I ventured out on our first roadtrip with our 14.5 month old baby. It was a four hour journey and I felt I was fully prepared. I had snacks, sippy cups, books, a detachable tray to attach to the carseat, and a Tiny Love Musical Wonder Wheel carseat toy. I had stowed this musical wonder wheel away, in anticipation of our trip. I knew that if I introduced it to my daughter too soon, she would quickly tire of it.

On the day of our departure, my husband quickly loaded the toy (consisting of two parts: the wheel and the screen to attach to the seat in front of the baby) with batteries, attached the farm-themed screen to the passenger side seat and clipped the "wonder wheel" to the buckle on her carseat. We put baby into the car and at first, she seemed enthralled with this new toy. She would push the cow button, for example, on her wonder wheel, and the cow would light up and "moo" on the screen in front of her. Seems genius, right? This exploration of the wheel went on for a good thirty seconds, until my daughter decided that it was much more fun to kick the screen instead. This repetitive abuse dislodged the screen and gave my daughter free reign with it. She decided that it was much more fun to beat it over her head and throw it around the car than to simply watch some silly lights. As for the wheel, that didn't last long either. There is no Velcro strong enough to withstand my baby, and within seconds she had removed it and thrown it on the floor. We repeatedly tried to re-attach the Tiny Love toy, but to no avail...she just did not care for it. My advice to snobby mommies: Wonder Wheel = waste of money!
What did work? Books and cheerios. These were the only two things that kept her happy. I guess the best advice is to just keep it simple and stay away from toys that seem too good to be true.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sound-only monitors are so last is the only way to go

When baby first entered our worlds, my husband and I were ignorant shoppers and failed to realize the importance of the baby monitor. In our naivete, we thought a $37.99 Fisher Price model would suffice, as we were told that a baby monitor is a short-lived item. At first the Fisher Price edition did the trick. We would hear her crying, rush to her side, and nurse her back to sleep. However, eight months went by and my husband and I were walking zombies, sleep-deprived and fed up. I was encouraged by others to "sleep train" my baby, meaning let her cry herself to sleep until she realizes that no one will come to her rescue. Sleep training was something that was difficult for us to do, as we were not comfortable letting the baby "cry it out" as they say. I could never quite figure out what the different cries meant. In my mind each cry meant imminent peril for my little darling. So after much debate over whether sleep training was the way to go to get some rest, I stumbled upon a Summer video monitor at Babies R' Us. The latest model had just come out, featuring a nice 5-inch monitor for me to view my daughter's every move. Now instead of trying to interpret if her wail is just in want of mommy or if she's in actual need, I can just take a glance and rest easy knowing that she's okay. After the purchase of the Summer video monitor, my baby was "sleep trained" in three days. Our daughter is now 14 months and we still use the monitor. We know many parents have pulled the plug on their nightly monitoring of baby, but these days it's nice to know if she's pulling off her pajamas, vomiting in her bed or removing her diaper during the night. So snobby mommies everywhere, be smart and go video!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Just Buy It!!!

The Baby Bjorn Soft bib is a must-have for all snobby mommies. I wish I discovered them sooner. These bibs are so easy to clean, just rinse with water and voila, ready to use again. These bibs also have a unique clasp, so tots can't rip them off five minutes into the meal. A huge pocket is at the bottom of the bib to collect all the droppings from junior, so that means less mess for us snobby mommies to clean up off the floors. Hands down, the Baby Bjorn soft bib is a great purchase for all the snobby mommies out there-you will not be disappointed with this reasonably priced purchase.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Face Off: Baby Bjorn Travel Crib lite vs. Graco Pack-n- Play

       I wish a "snobby mommy" had informed me about the BabyBjorn Travel Crib Lite before I made the mistake of purchasing the Graco Pack-n-Play.  The Travel crib lite is amazing and really works as a portable crib. The crib easily folds in seconds and is easy to tote around in the zippered travel bag.  The mattress is easy to wipe clean, which is a necessity with a baby, and folds up to fit with the crib inside the travel bag.  It weighs approximately 7 lbs., which is easy to manage when you are traveling with a baby and all of their "stuff".   The BabyBjorn Travel crib retails for @249.99, but with a coupon you can save $50 at BuyBuyBaby.   I know some of you mommies may think that this is a bit pricey, but trust this snobby mommy and don't make the original mistake that I did in purchasing the Graco Pack-n-Play.

       What is wrong with the Graco Pack-n-Play?  EVERYTHING!!!  This snobby mommy says that this product tries to be too many things, and fails at all of them.  First, this is not light enough or easy to pack-up or set-up, so forget about this being an option for a traveling crib. Second,  this product is too small to be a large enough area for a suitable play yard.  Last,  those changing tables that attach to the top of the pack-n-play are really unnecessary because you can just set up a changing area on the floor with a pad and a basket to hold some diapers and wipes.  Why overtake your livingroom with this wasteful product when you can buy the BabyBjorn Travel crib lite and the Superyard Play yard, which accomplish both sleeping and playing more effectively and efficiently.

Friday, August 8, 2008

What NOT to buy for baby: Snobby Mommies top 10

10. Wipes warmer - I mean really...aren't we setting a precedent for the rest of our child's life if we warm their wipes? This totally unnecessary product is as silly as it gets in this snobby mommy's opinion.

9. Overdosing on "raising baby" books - We're all insecure when baby enters our worlds, but the truth is that we're not going to find our answers in the pages of Dr. Sears or the What to Expect series. I fell victim to the marketing ploys of baby book publishers and after reading a few pages, I was overcome with a whole new set of fears for the safety of my baby.

8. Diaper pail deodorizers - I gag every time I empty the diaper pail, but who am I kidding thinking some tiny deodorizers are going to mask my daughter's daily doings? The only trick is to empty the pail regularly, so don't even think about masking it with an evergreen scent.

7. Portable bottle warmer - This annoying contraption was no better than a glass of warm water. Sure it has a nice handle, but it really is just a glorified bucket for warming bottles. Save your money and just stick the bottle in a glass.

6. Frilly dresses for newborn - From leaky diapers to the constant spitting up, your newborn is going to go through more wardrobe changes than a Cher concert. Forget the frill and stick with the basics: simple white onesies that come off as quickly as you can snap them on.

5. Shoes for newborn - The only person who is enjoying the baby shoes is snobby mommy. If the baby isn't even crawling or walking there is no reason to confine those growing footsies to a prison of leather, let them breathe for a few months.

4. Bottles without liners - Save yourself the sterilizing troubles and just get liners for the build-up of bottles. Pop a bag in and toss the old one me, your time is better spent elsewhere.

3. Thick padded bumpers - Sure they make your crib look cute, but this unnecessary accessory is simply an added danger in your crib. I made a bumper purchase pre-baby from Pottery Barn Kids. As soon as my daughter starter rolling, I would find her face pressed up against the thick sides of her crib. My next purchase was a breathable bumper, which we have used ever since.

2. Pack n' Play - I know this Graco-made playpen is a staple for many mothers, but I disagree with this purchase. I find it too large to be used as a portable travel crib and too small to use as a playpen. Instead I recommend the Baby Bjorn travel crib for on-the-go mommies and a "Super Yard" play yard to keep baby confined.

1. A comforter - Just the other day I was in a baby store and I overheard a hugely pregnant woman ask the salesperson for a comforter for baby. I wanted to scream out that not only is a comforter completely unnecessary it's also unsafe. Stick with a "Swaddle Me" wrap and sleep soundly knowing your baby is safe.