Friday, August 8, 2008

What NOT to buy for baby: Snobby Mommies top 10

10. Wipes warmer - I mean really...aren't we setting a precedent for the rest of our child's life if we warm their wipes? This totally unnecessary product is as silly as it gets in this snobby mommy's opinion.

9. Overdosing on "raising baby" books - We're all insecure when baby enters our worlds, but the truth is that we're not going to find our answers in the pages of Dr. Sears or the What to Expect series. I fell victim to the marketing ploys of baby book publishers and after reading a few pages, I was overcome with a whole new set of fears for the safety of my baby.

8. Diaper pail deodorizers - I gag every time I empty the diaper pail, but who am I kidding thinking some tiny deodorizers are going to mask my daughter's daily doings? The only trick is to empty the pail regularly, so don't even think about masking it with an evergreen scent.

7. Portable bottle warmer - This annoying contraption was no better than a glass of warm water. Sure it has a nice handle, but it really is just a glorified bucket for warming bottles. Save your money and just stick the bottle in a glass.

6. Frilly dresses for newborn - From leaky diapers to the constant spitting up, your newborn is going to go through more wardrobe changes than a Cher concert. Forget the frill and stick with the basics: simple white onesies that come off as quickly as you can snap them on.

5. Shoes for newborn - The only person who is enjoying the baby shoes is snobby mommy. If the baby isn't even crawling or walking there is no reason to confine those growing footsies to a prison of leather, let them breathe for a few months.

4. Bottles without liners - Save yourself the sterilizing troubles and just get liners for the build-up of bottles. Pop a bag in and toss the old one me, your time is better spent elsewhere.

3. Thick padded bumpers - Sure they make your crib look cute, but this unnecessary accessory is simply an added danger in your crib. I made a bumper purchase pre-baby from Pottery Barn Kids. As soon as my daughter starter rolling, I would find her face pressed up against the thick sides of her crib. My next purchase was a breathable bumper, which we have used ever since.

2. Pack n' Play - I know this Graco-made playpen is a staple for many mothers, but I disagree with this purchase. I find it too large to be used as a portable travel crib and too small to use as a playpen. Instead I recommend the Baby Bjorn travel crib for on-the-go mommies and a "Super Yard" play yard to keep baby confined.

1. A comforter - Just the other day I was in a baby store and I overheard a hugely pregnant woman ask the salesperson for a comforter for baby. I wanted to scream out that not only is a comforter completely unnecessary it's also unsafe. Stick with a "Swaddle Me" wrap and sleep soundly knowing your baby is safe.

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