Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Baby Björn vs. Ergo for marsupial moms

We have all heard that it's good for the baby to get out of the stroller from time-to-time and enjoy the view from above. While still pregnant I decided to purchase the Baby Björn. I didn't feel that I needed the athletic version or the newest "breathable" version of the Swedish-made  infant carrier, so I went with the basic black model. Little did I know at the time of my purchase how much use I would get out of this thing. As soon as my daughter was born, her revulsion for the the stroller was apparent and the only way I could get out of the house was with the Baby Björn in tow. For the first several months I would place her in the carrier with her head towards me. She would fall asleep within minutes due to the lulling cadence of my walk and the white noise of the shopping mall we frequented. After she was able to support her head well, I turned her around. She was entranced by the sights and sounds and I was able to get hours worth of errands completed. As she started to get bigger, the Baby Björn became more and more difficult to use. But the less I used it, the more attached my baby was to it. She would see in laying next to her in the car and point and moan until I let her hold it. Just having the Baby Björn in her little, sticky hands was enough to satisfy her.

By month 10, my baby was simply too heavy for me and I was forced to pack the Baby Björn away. My daughter still had a tendency to get very fussy in a stroller, so I started browsing the market for a carrier that would work for a 22 lb+ kid. It appeared that Ergo was the better of the few available options. I paid the $90 online and received my new carrier in the mail a few days later. The first thing all snobby mommies should realize about the Ergo is that the baby is unable to face out, which for an older baby is a necessity. Secondly, the Ergo is extremely difficult to fasten on your own. I am only able to use this carrier if someone is with me to help secure the straps. My daugther is now 14 months and weighs about 25 lbs. We use the Ergo from time-to-time, and my husband seems to like using it as a back carrier. 

In my opinion, the Ergo doesn't come close to the comfort of the Baby Björn, but if you are looking for a product that will work for your older infant, it really is the only option. Also, I don't recommend the Ergo if you are wearing something nice. The Ergo will stretch, pull and wrinkle whatever you have on, plus it will emphasize unsightly areas of your body...squeezing those post-baby muffin tops even more than your tightest pair of pants.

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