Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sound-only monitors are so last is the only way to go

When baby first entered our worlds, my husband and I were ignorant shoppers and failed to realize the importance of the baby monitor. In our naivete, we thought a $37.99 Fisher Price model would suffice, as we were told that a baby monitor is a short-lived item. At first the Fisher Price edition did the trick. We would hear her crying, rush to her side, and nurse her back to sleep. However, eight months went by and my husband and I were walking zombies, sleep-deprived and fed up. I was encouraged by others to "sleep train" my baby, meaning let her cry herself to sleep until she realizes that no one will come to her rescue. Sleep training was something that was difficult for us to do, as we were not comfortable letting the baby "cry it out" as they say. I could never quite figure out what the different cries meant. In my mind each cry meant imminent peril for my little darling. So after much debate over whether sleep training was the way to go to get some rest, I stumbled upon a Summer video monitor at Babies R' Us. The latest model had just come out, featuring a nice 5-inch monitor for me to view my daughter's every move. Now instead of trying to interpret if her wail is just in want of mommy or if she's in actual need, I can just take a glance and rest easy knowing that she's okay. After the purchase of the Summer video monitor, my baby was "sleep trained" in three days. Our daughter is now 14 months and we still use the monitor. We know many parents have pulled the plug on their nightly monitoring of baby, but these days it's nice to know if she's pulling off her pajamas, vomiting in her bed or removing her diaper during the night. So snobby mommies everywhere, be smart and go video!

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